RJ315985 死神の時代〜クロニクル1〜【Jessica】 [20210131]
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Tag: 脚,お尻/ヒップ,アニメ,3D作品,ロボット/アンドロイド,くノ一,巨乳/爆乳,人体改造
Video format
Capacity: 2.12 G
Running time: 15m 10s
Format: MP4
Width: 3840*2160
容量:2.12 G
Story content
The story takes place in Sunset city in the Age of Death. It tells the background of Jessica's life and what she looks like today.
Jessica plays an important role in the huge Age of Death story. We will continue to tell the history of the world and the stories of other superheroes.
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Personage introduction
![死神の時代〜クロニクル1〜【Jessica】 [Sunset Department Store] 死神の時代〜クロニクル1〜【Jessica】 [Sunset Department Store]](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/parts/RJ316000/RJ315985/4a00e38b12e5914bdc57cccec0992907.jpg)
【Jessica】a sexy superhero who suddenly appears, has recently been active in sunset city to punish evil and promote good. In the past, it seems to have some connection with the high-level figures in the city. Now it's managed by doctors.--------------------------------------------------------------【Jessica】突然現れたセクシースーパーヒロインが、日の入り城内で活躍している。昔は城中の高層人物と何らかの関係があったようです。今は医者が管理しています。
![死神の時代〜クロニクル1〜【Jessica】 [Sunset Department Store] 死神の時代〜クロニクル1〜【Jessica】 [Sunset Department Store]](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/parts/RJ316000/RJ315985/1e1f62dc1d7b4e080f540a8418763c92.jpg)
【Melody】 may have the ancestry of the former goddess, the first heroine who was successfully transformed by the doctor (her brother). When she was about 13 years old, she was implanted with a brain analog chip by the doctor. Since then, she has been living in virtual fantasy for more than 20 years. When she wakes up and becomes a soldier, she saves Jessica, who is ravaged by Marcus.--------------------------------------------------------------【Melody】前任の女神の血を引いていたかもしれないが、医師(兄)が初めて改造に成功したヒロインは、13歳の時に医者に脳のアナログチップを埋め込まれ、その後20年余りの間バーチャルファンタジーに生きてきた。戦士として蘇った後、彼女はマクスに蹂躙されたJessicaを救った。
![死神の時代〜クロニクル1〜【Jessica】 [Sunset Department Store] 死神の時代〜クロニクル1〜【Jessica】 [Sunset Department Store]](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/parts/RJ316000/RJ315985/69ea120a38d9d7eafee1bcdd0edef29c.jpg)
【Roald】Because he helped awaken the White Death 30 years ago, it indirectly led to the arrival of the Age of Death. He has excellent scientific talent since he was a child, under the tutelage of Dr. Yu Jin. When Dr. Jin disappeared, he took over the Biochemical Technology Department of Sunset City and devoted himself to research on human body modification.--------------------------------------------------------------【ロベルト】30年前に白死神の蘇生を助けたため、間接的に死神時代が到来しました。子供の時から優れた科学の天分を持っていて、金博士に師事します。金博士が失踪した後、彼は日没城の生物化学科学技術部を引き継ぎ、人体改造の研究に取り組んだ。
![死神の時代〜クロニクル1〜【Jessica】 [Sunset Department Store] 死神の時代〜クロニクル1〜【Jessica】 [Sunset Department Store]](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/parts/RJ316000/RJ315985/7333e474d25a4876aeda9186a843877e.jpg)
【Doctor】Melody’s brother, hates his father and questioned the goddess beliefs of the previous generation, in order to save the expectant mother. He joined the Science and Technology Department of Sunset City when he was more than 10 years old. After being promoted by Dr. Jin, he owned his own secret research institute. Yearning to open a new order of the times and create a new goddess. Hate forgiveness and kindness, and believe in cold sanctions. After years of experimentation, a replica of the goddess was created with his sister as the main body, but it also brought unlimited harm to the sister.--------------------------------------------------------------【医者】Melodyの同胞の兄は、父を憎み、先代の女神信仰を疑って、出産待ちの母を救うために。10代で日没城科学技術部に入部し、金博士の抜擢を受けて、自分の秘密研究所を持つようになりました。新しい時代秩序を開いて、新しい女神を創造することに憧れています。容赦と慈悲を憎み、冷たい裁きを信じる。長年の実験を経て、妹を体にした女神のレプリカを作ったが、妹に無限の傷を与えた。
![死神の時代〜クロニクル1〜【Jessica】 [Sunset Department Store] 死神の時代〜クロニクル1〜【Jessica】 [Sunset Department Store]](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/parts/RJ316000/RJ315985/d6b78778e5aede34a5bc819feb284304.jpg)
【Valeck】Originally a street gangster. After the age of death came, smuggling and bribery were used. A huge criminal organization has been established, and it has close contacts with high-level officials in the city.--------------------------------------------------------------【瓦莱克】もともとはチンピラだった。死神時代が来たら、密輸と賄賂を通じて。巨大な犯罪組織が作られ、都市の中の高層との往来が密接に行われている。
![死神の時代〜クロニクル1〜【Jessica】 [Sunset Department Store] 死神の時代〜クロニクル1〜【Jessica】 [Sunset Department Store]](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/parts/RJ316000/RJ315985/2e96e84aa969332e55c3bc6745928b8e.jpg)
【Greve】 The senior detective at the Sunset City Police Station, on the surface, is a symbol of justice. Close contact with various criminal groups in private, involving countless unjust cases. The relationship with Valeck is very good and is a powerful umbrella for criminal organizations.--------------------------------------------------------------【グリフ】日没城警察署の高級警察官は、表面的には正義維持の象徴。私たちは様々な犯罪集団と密接に接触し、数え切れないほどの冤罪にかかわっています。ウォレスとはとても仲が良く、犯罪組織の保護傘です。
![死神の時代〜クロニクル1〜【Jessica】 [Sunset Department Store] 死神の時代〜クロニクル1〜【Jessica】 [Sunset Department Store]](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/parts/RJ316000/RJ315985/1ff41e626b0fd478b6aaef3187b3e57e.jpg)
【Maur】 A reporter from Sunset News, trying to expose the hidden evil. He has visited many victims' families and has some evidence to try to disclose these crimes to the public. Although received multiple death threats. But he never gave up.--------------------------------------------------------------【メル】日没新聞の記者が、隠された罪を暴こうとした。彼は多くの被害家族を訪問し、一定の証拠を得て、これらの犯罪を公開しようとした。何度も死亡の脅威を受けましたが。しかし彼は諦めませんでした。
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